Please register via the Online Registration Form below
except for invited speakers.
Registration Fee
General :5,000 yen
Student:3,000 yen
(including food and drink expenses)
Payment can be made by credit card, convenience store, or cash.
For poster session attendees
Requests for poster presenters
(1) The maximum poster size is A0 (Vertically long).
(2) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to introduce your presentation in oral (1 minute).
(3) The room will open at 12:00 on January 11.
(4) We would like to receive the file of your PowerPoint presentation at the registration desk. This file will be erased after the symposium.
(5) We will provide "studs" to display your poster. Please post your poster at your poster number.
(6) Please take down your posters on the morning of January 12.
Request regarding "One Minute Presentations.
(1) Please prepare your slides with 16:9 size in ppt format.
(2) One or two slides are recommended because of time limitation.
(3) Please come to the "One Minute Presentation" desk on the morning of the 11th after the registration desk.
The staff woule like to receive your prepared slides on USB or by e-mail.
(4) Please check that your prepared slides are shown appropriately on Windows PC monitor.
(5) Please understand that only Windows PC will be prepared for "one-minute" presentation.
(6) Your poster should be posted on the board of your poster number using pins.
(7) The Windows PC will be used for the presentation.
(8) Please follow the instructions of the person in charge.
(9) All slides will be erased after the presentation.
Please upload your abstract file via the Abstract Upload Form below.
Download template of abstract
The deadline for registration and uploading abstract